Hidden Losses- A Look at Disenfranchised Grief
From the death of an ex-spouse to dealing with infertility, from moving to losing your job, there are a number of losses whose impact on you may go unacknowledged or unsupported. In this post, we’ll take a look at disenfranchised grief and how you can navigate the challenges that come with hidden loss.

What Is Health Anxiety?
How much worry about your health is too much worry? This post looks at health anxiety, a treatable condition that may be on the rise

What Is Anxiety?
A brief overview of the most common mental health disorder in the United States

Using Insurance for Therapy
Before you use insurance to pay for therapy, make sure you’re fully informed about how that can affect your treatment and future coverage

Book Review- The Happiness Trap
A review of The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris, a book that guides readers through the basic premises and key tools of ACT

Is Telehealth Therapy Effective?
A look at the effectiveness of therapy done via telehealth as compared to traditional, in person therapy

Taking Care of Your Mental Health During COVID-19
Tips for taking care of your mental health during COVID-19 and Washington’s stay at home orders

The Truth About the Stages of Grief
Although Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s “stages of grief” have been widely used and taught for over fifty years, the truth is that there are no stages of grief

The Taboo of Grief
Although a universal experience, grief is one of the major taboos in our society

Should You Go to Counseling?
Things to consider when you’re thinking about going to counseling.